tarot card combinations cheating

Tarot Card Combinations that Show Cheating

Following on from last week’s post about card combinations, I thought I would run a series of posts on what tarot combinations to look out for in various situations. One of the most often asked questions of any tarot reader is, “Is he cheating?”

Mostly I would try to avoid answering directly even if I felt it was a possibility, but there are certain tarot card combinations that scream “Infidelity!”

Firstly, the appearance of a dodgy card on its own is not necessarily indicative of unfaithfulness – unless in a one-card reading in response to the direct question, “Is s/he cheating on me?” In multi-card spreads, the possibility of cheating has to make sense in the context of the reading and the question, hence it is good to look for back-up of your client’s suspicions.

Reversed Tarot Cards and Cheating

Look for reversals as they will often reveal cheaters and the possibility of relationship breakdown. Be aware of reversed Court cards, particularly Kings and Queens. Reversed ‘love’ cards like the Ace and Two of Cups, the reversed Ten of Cups, reversed Ace of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles and so on. On their own, they don’t indicate cheating but appearing with others such as the Three, Five or Seven of Swords should raise a red flag.

As always, the deeper you go and the longer you practice, the more you will get a feel for hidden undercurrents and deception.

tarot card combinations cheating cards

Cheating Tarot Combinations in the Celtic Cross

Starting with, let’s say, a general reading using the Celtic Cross. Your client hasn’t asked the question about her partner, she’s just looking for general guidance. You know that she is in a relationship but not much more than that.

If the Five of Swords is one of the two central cards and the base card (root, cause, distant past) is one of the following: Queen of Swords, Queen of Wands or the High Priestess, then there could be a cheating female in the reading. She will be the male partner’s mistress.

If one of those cards appears in the recent past position, then it is likely that the affair is over or almost over.

Should the Five or Seven of Swords appear in the 7th (self) position, with any of the above as described, then the client herself might be doing the cheating.

Look at cards nine and ten. I look at position nine in the CC as a wildcard/what the client needs to know/guidance kind of card. It depends on the card itself.

Should you have a combination of the Five or Seven of Swords followed by the Three of Swords, Five of Cups, Ten of Swords or Death it doesn’t bode well for the relationship. I would probably guess that the adulterer is going to start a new permanent relationship with his/her lover.

Look at cards Five (hoped for outcome) and Ten (actual outcome if nothing changes). Look to see if they support or oppose each other. For example, if position Five turned up the Queen of Swords and Position 10 was Three of Swords, I’d be thinking that some nasty relationship connected gossip was on the way. And usually the root of that kind of tittle-tattle is because one of the partners is cheating.

Tarot cards that show cheatingtarot combinations that show cheating

Short Relationship Readings – Are they Cheating?

For a shorter relationship reading, I often draw multiples of even-numbered cards. For example, one card for the seeker, one for their partner. Or two or three cards each. This is where I am more likely to use reversals, so again look out for any reversed mature Court card (I’d discount Pages), partnered with any of those problematical Swords card.

The Ace of Swords and Cheating

When the Ace of Swords appears together with any of the cheating cards already discussed, it signifies that the truth has dawned. That the cuckolded partner has a sudden realisation that all is not as it seems in the land of love.

The Two of Swords may mean that your client knows or has suspicions about their partner but doesn’t want to acknowledge the possibility of cheating.

How to Tell Your Tarot Client Their Partner is Cheating

If the relationship is already over, then feel free to tell them that they are better off without that cheating creep. If it is still ongoing, you shouldn’t, not outright anyway. You have to gently guide them towards their own conclusions. You can use phrases like, “This card may be a sign of deception – do you know if anyone is likely to be deceiving you?” Let them reach that understanding themselves.

List of Cheating Tarot Cards

Remember that on their own, they are not indicative of cheating – you need that extra confirmation from other cards, preferably a combination of three to be extra sure.

  • High Priestess (upright or reversed)
  • Magician (reversed)
  • Empress (reversed)
  • Lovers (reversed)
  • Justice (upright or reversed)
  • Death (upright or reversed)
  • Devil (upright or reversed)
  • Moon (upright or reversed)
  • Queens/Kings (reversed, but sometimes upright, depending on context and position)
  • Knights (reversed)
  • Threes (reversed), apart from Three of Swords (upright or reversed)
  • Ace, Two, Three, Five, Seven, Nine and Ten of Swords (upright or reversed)
  • Five and Eight of Cups
  • Ten of Cups (reversed)
  • Ten of Pentacles (reversed)
  • Ace of Wands (upright or reversed)
  • Five and Seven of Wands (upright or reversed)

That’s it, I can’t think of any others, but I’m sure readers have their own personal indicators of love cheats in the tarot cards.

Tarot Card Combinations – how to work out what any combination of tarot cards means.

Tarot Card Combinations for Money

Deck used to illustrate this post:  Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti.

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18 thoughts on “Tarot Card Combinations that Show Cheating

  1. Leo

    Hi Troi, thank you for posting this guide…
    I went ahead and asked the question if my long distance partner is seeing or interested on someone else, my intuition has been nagging me about an ex she met recently. My reading came as Ace of Cups, reversed temperance and reversed devil….

    my DOB is 08 Sep and hers is 18 Jun

    Thank you so much for looking after me

    1. Troi Post author

      H Leo,

      Firstly it would be interesting to have your thoughts on your reading.

      Mine are that your relationship is still, or could be, full of love and attraction (Ace), that reversed Temperance could mean there is something out of balance and needs attention (suspicion is always detrimental), and the reversed Devil shows that her previous relationship has no hold over her.

      However, I didn’t draw the cards, so I have no ‘connection’ here. And I’m unable to read your partner’s feelings (and neither would I). Additionally, I would always have a positional meaning for each card before I started, such as Card 1 – where we are? Card 2 – what is working or what isn’t? Card 3 – what do I need to know?

      So my best advice is to talk to her honestly, share your insecurity and see what she says. If she thinks anything of you, she will also be honest with you.

      Hope it goes well.

  2. Stella

    So I picked three cards because I think my husband is up to something but he denies and says she is just a coworker of his.
    The first card was Fool, second one was 8 Swords and the last one reversed nine of pentacles.
    I think my instincts are right, but what do you think?
    Thank you!

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Stella,

      So… he could be cheating but the cards don’t really say that. In my opinion, they indicate you rushed to question his loyalty (Fool), have put yourself in an entrenched position that prevents you from seeing the truth (Eight of Swords) and also makes you feel deep discontentment (reversed Nine of Pentacles).

      Of course, as I say, the cards don’t confirm he’s cheating one way or the other. They seem to be more connected to you. My advice would be to take a step back, give him the benefit of the doubt, and try to rebuild trust. Give it some time and the truth will reveal itself. Meanwhile, do your best to be at peace. Speculating will only cause you anguish and hurt you more than him.

      Good luck. Hope it works out for the best.

        1. Troi Post author

          I’m so glad it helped, Stella. Sometimes we get so tangled in our own thoughts, it’s difficult to take an objective view. I really hope it all goes well for both of you x

      1. Tee

        Hi Troi,

        So I asked if my husband was cheating and pulled The lovers upright, Ace of swords, Queen of cups reversed, ten of cups reversed and eight of cups upright. Is this confirmation of yes with lovers?

        Thank you

        1. Troi Post author

          Hi Tee,

          You must never rely on the cards for concrete confirmation in situations like this. Instead allow them to offer guidance. Also the way you phrased the question only required one card to give an answer. If you want to use more cards then assign them meaningful positions beforehand like:

          Is he cheating?
          What do I need to know?
          Who is interfering with our relationship?
          What is going on right now?
          Possible outcome?

          Look at them in the context of your own relationship. Are you still in love? That would be the Lovers. If, however, you are not deeply in love, then it could show he is looking elsewhere and you need to make an important decision about how to proceed.

          The Ace of Swords represents a revelation of a truth – and that truth could well be that he is not cheating. The reversed Queen may represent a third party with influence in the marriage – someone causing mischief, perhaps? The reversed Ten of Cups shows a disturbed family situation and the Eight of Cups suggests one of you feels trapped but who has also got the means to escape that trap by changing their thinking.

          My advice would be first to talk to him, holding back on the judgement if you can. Based on his answers you can then decide on your next course of action, which may include couples counselling.

          So I’m not going to confirm yes, or no. You must talk to him.

          Hope it works out for you, Tee.

  3. Paige

    Let’s just say I did a 3 card spread and got 1) DEATH 2) KNAVE OF SWORDS 3) KING PENTACLES. All upright. I asked if the father of my children has cheated/ slept with another female since he “temporarily” moved 3 states away to work for his brother for a bit (back on JULY 6th)… he is still gone and grows further away from U.S. communicatively and emotionally. The few times I do catch 30 seconds with him on the phone he is mean, VERY mean when I ask if he’s met any other girls and he’s says no. I would appreciate your thoughts on the cards I pulled, I believe they might be giving me confirmation…

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Paige,

      I think the very first card is indicative that the relationship has already ended. The combination doesn’t necessarily show cheating but it is important for you to connect with your own intuition. You have to disconnect it from suspicion though – suspicion lives in the mind. Instead, feel your intuition through your body and trust it.

      30-second phone calls don’t form part of a loving, long-term relationship, do they?

      So, I might interpret the Knave of Swords as your partner pursuing his own interests and the King as him being satisfied with the life he has created.

      You are the one who has to decide if you can go on like this.

      Good luck.

  4. Peggy

    My DOB: September 30
    My Husbands DOB: July 28

    My husband has been unfaithful in the past and I’m concerned it may happen, or even is, happening again. If I stay in this marriage, will he be faithful?

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Peggy,

      Just going to have a quick look at the compatibility of your birthdays.

      This is a sensible and practical combination. Not always romantic but both partners are intelligent enough to recognise that a good foundation can see them through difficult times. The one thing they have to be careful is placing high demands for perfection on their partner.

      Of course the above is no excuse for infidelity. I’m using the Deviant Moon Tarot and your card is the Ace of Pentacles. A black, gold and red dragon clutches a blue pentacle.

      The Ace of Pentacles does not answer your question one way or the other. However, it might well indicate something new and practical ahead of you. In other words, you might decide that living in distrust is not the kind of marriage you want. So this card might mean you decide to make a clean start.

      The card at the base of the deck is the Sun. This shows that everything in your life is going to improve, from finances, to relationships, to health. It may not last, but it will be the boost you need to get things sorted out. It has to be your choice.

      Good luck.

  5. Kelly

    I have such strong intuition that the guy I’m with isn’t being completely honest to me about all things he’s done or is still doing and as far as I can see it this feeling in me is ruining our relationship further by lack of trust and constant calling him out or being to needy which usually or really I have never been like this I’m very independent and like my freedom so when I’m attached and feel a strong bond with someone I’d like to think my intuition is never wrong seeming as these things all come from God but I haven’t gotten any true signs from God that Im aware of that he is its just plain intuition and unfortunately that can be fear based so I’m really curious if you say you coud do a free reading then could you do one for me and tell me what here I’m all dealing with it would be so much appreciated especially if done free on your time because I know that it can be really hard

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Kelly,

      Sorry to be so long with this. Holidays and family visits all over with now.

      I’m using a new deck, Trionfi Della Luna by Patrick Valenza. Your card is the Knight of Wands. A knight in animal-like armor sits astride a gryphon. The knight’s face is half blue and half red, and he appears to be looking in two directions at once. It’s a shame you did not provide your dates of birth as I usually do a compatibility check.

      The Knight of Wands is passionate and enthusiastic. Unfortunately, his interest is often short-lived as he has a limited attention span. He is easily distracted and always keen to get to the next new thing, whether that be a project or a relationship. There’s not a great deal to say really, but I would certainly not trust anyone who was connected to this tarot character.

      My advice to you would be to proceed cautiously and trust your intuition. It is always right. No exceptions. It is not fear-based, it is present in order to take care of you. You might say it comes from source energy (God, if you prefer) but it is, in essence, from the part of you that can see and feel everything, past, present and future.

      The card at the bottom of the deck often gives a clue as to the basis of the question and it is the Six of Swords. This card indicates that you may have been in recover after a previous relationship and have been slowly making progress. Don’t let this present relationship misdirect you or halt your healing. You are still on the right path. I feel that this one is a mere diversion.

      Good luck.

  6. Ashley McCoy

    three of swords first card to represent yes and 9 of wands and the emperor in reverse tarot cards together? The first one answers what I may not subconsciously know the emperor reversed is what I do know. My question was did my husband cheat on me with a woman by the name of Lynn? I didn’t tell him my question but I did ask him to cut the deck into 3, 3 times and I then chose those three cards from my intuitional thoughts. I am trying to figure out the combination of these cards based on my question.

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Ashley, so what were your initial feelings when you saw those cards? I’m not going to do your reading for you, but if you give me your thoughts, I can perhaps contribute a little more insight.

  7. Selona Gale

    I recently received the death card, high priestess, and queen of sword in a love reading, Im assuming this means my husband is cheating on our long term marriage? clarity would be appreciated as Ive spoke to two psychics who state he isnt but something inside of me feels like somethings not right. Thank you in advance for any information you can bring to light. Im beginning to question myself


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