Tarot Questions – Not so Frequently Asked

Thought I’d have a bit of fun and lift some tarot questions from Quora and answer them here.Tarot questions - respect tarot cards, don't use them as coasters.

Q Is it possible to disrespect the tarot?

A. No. It’s just a pile of cards. You can jump on them, burn them, throw them out of the window. The last two options aren’t environmentally friendly, but get some exercise and jump on them if you like. I like to use them as coasters.

Print card images on t-shirts, wear tarot jewellery – really, it’s all fine.

Q. Is a computer generated reading as good as one done by a real person?

A. In some cases, yes. In most, no. If you have a reading done by a professional, then you will almost certainly get the best they can offer. Their work is based on years of experience combined with a fine-tuned intuition – no computer can replicate that.

If you are looking for some woo-woo entertainment, then yes, go for a computer-based reading.

Q. Why don’t tarot readers win the lottery?

A. I don’t know. It helps to buy a ticket, I suppose. I tried to get the tarot to tell me the name/number of the winner of the Grand National (horse race) once. It didn’t work – or it might have and I simply didn’t ‘get’ the answer.

I happen to think that experiences are delivered to us for our higher good, however negative they are. Winning the lottery might not be for my higher good. Damn it! In any case, I also think that having good health, happy family, sweet pets, and a nice home is equivalent to winning the lottery x 1000.

Q. How accurate is tarot really?

A. How long is a piece of string? Most tarot readers have to make assumptions based on the cards and the question. We don’t always get it spot on. However, the value of a tarot reading is what the seeker (you) is prepared to take from it. Keeping an open mind, being prepared to look at the reading again after some time has passed, and actually listening, will enhance your tarot experience.

Q. I had two tarot readings close together and they told me contradictory things. What gives?

A. Perhaps they are both right. Give it some time, then revisit the readings with hindsight.

Q. Do tarot cards actually work?

A. Yes.

Q. Are tarot cards evil or dangerous?

A. No. See the answer to the first question.

Q. How does it feel to be a professional tarot reader?

A. Uh… sort of normal. It’s a job, like any other job, that requires knowledge, tact, common sense, good communication skills and a ton of practice. I don’t sit around wearing big earrings, flimsy scarves, fake beauty spots and burning incense. Much.

Q. I’m an atheist. Would I benefit from a tarot reading?

A. Yes. While some decks are created with a particular religion or culture in mind, many are neutral. Tarot has been combined with many other systems over the years, but they work just fine without any other associations.

Q. Are paid readings better than free tarot readings?

A. I can only speak for  myself. If someone asks for a free reading – short, one card – then I give the answer as fully as I can within those constraints. A lot depends on how the question is asked and what mood I am in 😀 When doing a paid, in-depth reading, I won’t even go near it if I am not in a pleasant state of mind. You will get me at my best, or you will get a refund!

Q. Is tarot reading a scam?

A. I’m sure that there are tarot-related scammers out there. I don’t think I’ve ever met any. I would be suspicious of anyone who seemed more interested in the money than in the reading. There are many tarot websites out there that make me shudder.

Q. Should the tarot cards be believed blindly?

A. No. Nothing should be believed blindly. Question everything. As far as tarot reading goes, take what works for you in the present, listen to the advice given, and only act upon it if it resonates with your own values. As explained before, only in hindsight will you know if the reading was accurate or not. If it turns out to be true, then immediately add that tarot reader to your trusted resources and return to him or her the next time. Ahem…

Q. Can a Christian own and use tarot cards?

A. Of course. There is nothing evil in them. There are specific decks based on Christianity that you might feel comfortable with.

Q. Can anyone of any religion own and use tarot cards?

A. That depends on whether tarot is frowned on by your particular religion. Most are okay, I think. I’ve read for people of all faiths and none.

Q. What is your favourite tarot card?

A. Ooh. I’d probably have to say the Empress. All that fecundity. I do like the Hermit too, as that is my birth card. I’m a ‘nine’ person. Apparently. The Ace of Pentacles is rather delicious too. And the…. oh, sod it, I love them all!

Q. Can you do tarot readings with nut shells or leaves?

A. Only if they have images, suits and numbers on them. Or at least two out of those three main tarot characteristics. It’s possible to psychically and/or intuitively give a reading with any object or objects, they just won’t be tarot readings.

Q. Why do intelligent people believe in tarot reading?

A. It’s because we are intelligent enough to recognise that the tarot reflects the whole of human experience. We know, by being open-minded and open-hearted, we can learn about ourselves, our connection to others, and our incredibly exciting spiritual journey. How about you? Got any tarot questions?

Q. What is the best tarot deck and why?

Tarot questions: favorite decks Revelations tarot and friends

Three of those tarot decks are more battered than the others.

A. Whichever one works the best for you. Buy many 😀

Me, I have three besties: The Robin Wood, the Universal Waite and the Revelations Tarot. That’s out of more than 50 decks. I don’t get on so well with Thoth-based decks, but I am fond of the Rohrig. Another favourite is Songs for the Journey Home for its delicious little quirks and tweaks. Oh, I also like the Medieval Scapini and my limited edition Dario Fo for their sense of humour. For goodness sake – I like them all, okay?

Q. Is it good to trust tarot readers?

A. Difficult one. I’d say, get to know as much about them as you can before deciding to trust them. Of course, it’s not always possible before committing to a reading but you can use your own judgment and intuition. Once you have established a good rapport with your reader, they will often become a good friend. Their readings will demonstrate whether they are trustworthy or not. You can just tell.

Q. What are the interpretations and meanings of the tarot cards?

A. You want me to answer that in one or two sentences? Buy a good book… or read my website – even after all these years I’m learning all the time. And what I learn, tarotly-speaking, I tend to pass on to others.

Q. What is the validity of a tarot reading?

A. Have a reading and then make your own mind up.

Q. Can tarot really predict the future?

A. Yes. Absolutely. Bear in mind that the cards are interpreted by a human being through the filters of their own experience. For example, I find that while I am reading the cards, certain memories from my own life surface. I have learned to pay attention to them as they are usually relevant in some way to the reading. The number of people who come back and say, “You were right, such and such did happen…” would be too many to count. It might not always happen in the exact way the reader ‘sees’ it, but, you know, we do our best.

Q. Where can I buy a good tarot deck?

A. Any independent tarot deck-stocking retail outlet. Look at Llewellyn and Lo Scarabeo too. Better yet, click through on any of my links to Amazon. There’s a big one at the top of the page that says “Tarot Decks & Books.”

Looks like Quora has run out of tarot-related questions for now. I might do this again one day. Meanwhile, if you’ve got a weird or not-so-frequently asked tarot question, why not ask in the comments?

Please note: no tarot card was harmed during the making of this article. That one under my mug is not a real card, just an advertisement.

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11 thoughts on “Tarot Questions – Not so Frequently Asked

  1. Apriyile

    Hi Troy I have a question how do I determine what the cards are trying to tell me… example if I do a 8 card spread no positions and I get 3 fours(minor Arcana), 2court cards 1major Arcana and the remaining Minor Arcana? just an example the question is “what do I need to know about trading in my car for a brand new car?” The reason why I asked for your help is sometimes I do a spread and I have a pattern with repeating numbers but I don’t know how to read them in context of the question I asked, as above the pattern of 3 fours and 2 court cards but I don’t know what they would be trying to say in context of a question asked How does one interpret a pattern in a tarot spread rather it be with positions or no positions?. Sighs 😔😔

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Apriyile,

      My first thought is why would you need to do an 8-card reading for such a simple question? One card will do it. To be frank, it is impossible to interpret that number of cards in the context of such a question.

      As to interpreting patterns of similar cards, initially you read them individually, Then you consider whether the energy of the suit or numbers is intensified. So getting three x Four cards would mean that the stability (reliability?) indicated by Fours is very strong.

      It is really important to think about the number of cards you are going to use and whether the question requires more than one or two.


      1. Apriyile Denise Colmore

        Thank you Troi!!! As I try Do practice for readings for my self with 6-7 cards on such a simple question and it never seems to make sense, and my intuition tells me that but I never listen 😳😔I just had assumed I must be doing something wrong! I guess this is why that I don’t need to use so many cards lol. Thank you for your help I greatly appreciate it!!! 😊☺️

        1. Troi Post author

          There you go!

          Keep your large spreads for more complicated situations. In everyday life, it is rare to have a question that needs so many cards. If you are reading for someone else, for instance when someone asks for a ‘general reading’, that’s when you need spreads like the Celtic Cross. But even then, it is broken down into a series of small readings that make up the whole. xxx

  2. Sandi Maddox

    Is it a common thing to have a particular card just pop up in your mind out of the blue?
    I am very new to the cards, still journaling to be exact. I am puzzled by this. So far over the span of three weeks I have had two cards that I have not even learned about just come up in my mind. I did get my book out and read about them but I am worried this is an oddity. This deck did come to me by my Father passing and I have slept on them for over two weeks some time ago if that makes any difference.

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Sandi,

      I’m not sure if it’s common or not. If certain cards occur to you, look them up as you are doing, and see how they are playing out in your life, either in the recent past, present, or perhaps near future.

      I’ve never slept on a deck of tarot cards in my life, that’s one of those fallacies. They are cardboard, usually made in China. The cards themselves are not sacred. The connection and intuition that the images inspire in your mind is what counts 🙂

  3. Alisha

    How can I protect myself from a tarot reader that does readings on me without my consent? Is reading without consent unethical?

    1. Troi Post author

      Hi Alisha,

      Yes, reading someone without their consent is unethical. Presumably you know this person?

      Firstly, don’t respond. In any way. Never give them the satisfaction of a reply, a fight, or any kind of confrontation.

      Secondly, you can research ways of creating a protective barrier. They might include using crystals, or visualization. You’ll have to Google ‘protection spells’ or ‘protection rituals’, or ‘mirroring rituals’. The last is where you literally send back the irritation.

      Thirdly, I guess the readings are not very accurate, so do your best to ignore it. The more you ignore them and the person doing the readings, the sooner they will stop. Block them on social media or however else you are interacting.

      Hope that helps.

      1. Alisha

        This helps! Thank you! I will be looking up protection spells. How will i be able to detach myself from this person without causing conflict? She is around from time to time. It is my boyfriends sister. We get along although i do not appreciate the readings. Its caued arguments between my boyfriend and i and i have not done anything that he believes she told him.

        1. Troi Post author

          Ah… okay. Well it’s easier than you think. You can forget the protection spells and do this instead. It is a kind of spell. It’s called ‘Positive Aspects’.

          The idea is to turn her into a friend, and you don’t have to cozy up to her to do it. You don’t even have to speak to her and you definitely don’t have to talk to your bf about her.

          Get a notebook and make a list of all the things that are great about her. It’s permissible to make it up. So you could write down stuff like this:

          I’m going to call her Ella for convenience.

          I really like how Ella does her hair.
          Ella’s got a great laugh.
          She obviously thinks a lot of *your bf’s name*.
          I know she thinks she’s helping me. She’s always doing her best.
          Ella’s good at *whatever*.
          Ella smiles a lot…

          Anyway, you get the idea. Keep writing as long as you can. Then try your best to add something every day for a week or longer. Always positive, always qualities you admire even if she doesn’t actually show them. Like I said, just make it up. You can also add your own positive characteristics but give them to her.

          There’s a good list here: http://www.creativeaffirmations.com/positive-character-traits.html

          What will happen is that either ‘Ella’ will begin to show those positive aspects and also be friendly towards you. OR she won’t be able to match up with them and you won’t see her at all. How it works is that you raise your feelings about her. It’s you that changes. Then if her ‘vibration’ doesn’t match your perspective of her, she will melt out of your experience. If she can raise her vibrational levels, then she will become someone you like.

          Try it, you have nothing to lose.


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