Online Tarot Reading Template

Pagan tarot

Email tarot readings are becoming quite common these days and I get several people a month asking how they should format their online readings. I tend to simply type it out as I go and, after so many years of doing them, I have a template in my mind. However, if I’m reading on behalf of an organisation, such as TABI, then I always use a template in order to maintain consistency.

This is how I do it for my own clients. I begin by saying thank you for the reading request and what my personal philosophy of tarot is, for example, I would say something like, “I don’t always use tarot to predict the future as I believe it is more empowering to see it as a guide to make decisions…and so on”

After the intro, I copy in the client’s question, perhaps rephrasing it in order to get the best from the cards. Rephrasing is something I do very infrequently, preferring to let the cards do the work and answer appropriately.

Then I tell the client which deck I’m using and why. Then describe the spread, or in many cases why I’m not using a formal spread.

I turn away from the computer and get into reading mode. Taking my time to shuffle, holding the question and the client in my mind. I have my own way of connecting and I’m sure you do too. I lay out the reading on my desk, spend some time looking at the cards and feeling the reading take shape.

I then take photos of the cards and edit the images so they are manageable in a text document and insert the images in the appropriate places. I describe the cards briefly and then interpret them as they relate to the question. I might mention the numerological associations, any pertinent symbolism, what the card  means traditionally and my own personal view of it. If reading pairs of cards I make sure to interpret them as they affect/support each other.

Once the main part of the reading is done I type up my conclusion, gathering the threads of the reading into a coherent summary. I generally save the reading and leave it to percolate for a few hours so I can go back over it, edit, make corrections or add any further insights.

At the end of the reading, I always invite further questions and thank the client again. I  make sure I add a ‘for entertainment only’ disclaimer at the bottom – I don’t fancy getting my arse sued off by some US lawyer! When I am completely happy with it, I send it off to the client as a Word.doc attachment. That bit never gets any easier.

Here’s an online tarot reading template. Please feel free to adapt it for your own readings. You’ll see it is only a page long but obviously you are going to enter a lot more text and images into it. My Celtic Cross readings can stretch to ten pages or more.

Hope it helps you do great readings!

Tarot Reading Template

Pagan Tarot cards

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8 thoughts on “Online Tarot Reading Template

  1. Lam Nguyen

    I love your work. It comes to me when I wander around to find the suitable learning method to connect deeper with my cards.
    Tons of thanks.

  2. Amanda Richardson

    Thank you for this template. I am learning how to set up my own tarot email reading business and learning from someone who already does it is quite helpful. I of course will create my own template once I get more comfortable, but this is going to help the start out. It gives a direction so to speak. Thanks so much!

  3. Spirit Bear

    Having a template to use really saves time, and makes sure you don’t miss anything. I was wondering what the rest of your disclaimer is. It cuts off after ‘This reading is not…’

    Thanks for the info.

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi there Spirit Bear, I just checked the document, I can see it all fine. The disclaimer reads: “This reading should be viewed as “entertainment” only; it does not substitute for the consultation of medical, psychological, legal or financial professionals. This reading is not legally binding.”

      Another really useful time-saving trick, is if you use the same deck regularly, each time you describe a card, save that description to a text file. Then when the card shows up again, you’ll have your description ready without having to type it up again. Having said that, I don’t use that for my in-depth readings because different details catch my eye and assume more importance.

      Have fun on your tarot journey!


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