Category Archives: Pentacles

Improving skills: the Eight of Pentacles

Thought I’d write a little piece on one of my favourite cards. This is based on the Robin Wood Eight of Pentacles.

The Eight of Pentacles depicts a boy working in front of a partially shuttered window. He is engrossed in carving pentacles on to round wooden platters. Six completed pentacles, all in various types of wood are fixed to the wall around the window. The boy is working on one and another is waiting to be finished. Through the gap in the shutters we can see a lake, a castle and distant hills.8 Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles relates to focus and concentration. It encourages the viewer to improve her skills, to be able to work alone, to have self-discipline to finish the task at hand. It could be pointing towards a course of study, or the start of a new business or project. It says, “Get your head down and get the job done”. At the same time it indicates that the work is pleasant, something that uplifts you – you are doing something you love. You’re in the zone. Continue reading

A card for the Royal baby

I’m thinking there’s a bandwagon, better jump on it. Seriously, I’m all babied out. On and on it goes… I’ve had to switch the TV news off over the last couple of days to avoid the endless empty wittering about the new arrival. It’s lovely that William and Kate have a new son, of course. It’s a good news event for the UK and much of the world. However, it’s the media’s obsession with wringing every last detail out – even when there are no more details to be had – that drives me mad.

So how about a different sort of gift for the baby? I don’t read for children, and this isn’t a reading for the baby exactly but just one card to perhaps give us some insight into the influences surrounding him.

I’m using the Old English Tarot, not for any particular reason other than it was the closest to hand.

Four of Coins. Hmm… unexpected. Let’s have a look at this. The card doesn’t show the usual RW Old English Four of Coinsgrumpy fellow, but depicts a picturesque castle, surrounded by verdant crop-filled fields. In the foreground a pair of oxen stand within the traces of a fruit-laden cart.

I think this is a more appropriate card than I first thought. Fours are about stability, Coins are connected to material well-being, so this indicates a secure beginning for our young laddie. Not that we’d expect anything less for a Royal prince. You can see from the card what a safe and protected environment he will grow up in.

Looking at it from a different angle, this card may give us a little information about his personality. He will be a contented fellow. As long as his needs are met, he will be pretty easy going. Not much will faze him over the course of his childhood. He will be, for the most part quite biddable, but will have a stubborn streak that will only be displayed when he feels thwarted. When he does have a tantrum, it will be huge.

As he grows up, life may become less predictable. He will have to make choices and some of those may be questionable. He may have a strong will with accompanying bursts of temper. He will be competitive, courageous, impulsive and a risk-taker. It is possible that the future of the monarchy will hinge on this Prince.  If he goes off the rails, he will find life tough. The key to his success is for him to hold onto that stability and structure provided by his childhood and his sensible parents.

Good luck, little royal baby!

Are you a good tarot reader?

I suppose it depends how you define ‘good’, doesn’t it? When I first started learning the tarot, I thought it was about memorising every card meaning. As I gained more experience, I realised being a competent and trusted reader was about far more than that. Reading tarot is just as much about listening and being supportive as it is about interpreting those little pictures on cardboard.

Additionally, it’s about trusting your own instincts, not just in receiving and offering the message from the cards, but in communicating with the seeker.

What do you think? What’s the most important aspect of being a good reader?

I know, I’ll ask the tarot.

Let’s give the Tarot of the Old Path a little outing. A good, solid, pagan deck, although a little bit 1980s art-wise.

Eight of Pentacles – how interesting. The Eight of Pentacles is about studying the details and honing your craft. I wonder could there have been a better card to appear? I love the Songs for the Journey Home 8 Pentsversion too, that shows a community of artisans all beavering away at the jobs they love.

The Eight of Pentacles implies a deep love of what you do; there’s an innate satisfaction to be found in deepening your skills and understanding of the subject. There’s a quiet passion smouldering away and even though you might get distracted at times, you will always return to the thing you enjoy doing most.

With regard to studying the tarot, all the above applies. To become a good, and eventually, expert reader, many hours of learning, practice and patience is required – of people as well as the cards.

Read the article: How to be a good tarot reader

Justice is done

Good morning!

You may recall that a couple of days ago, my first blog entry was a bit negative, moany and very much in the spirit of the Four of Cups. I mentioned the fact that a subsidiary of a well-known charity in the UK had decided it was okay to publish one of my articles under someone else’s name.

Yesterday I pulled the Justice card from the Mythic Tarot. Didn’t give it a great deal of thought about how it might to relate to current circumstances – I’m like that…  of course it isn’t about me… wrote the blog post and published it. Later on yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call from the ‘Properties Administrator’ of the charity concerned. She was lovely; she apologised profusely and told me the invoice for £250 I’d submitted with my complaint was being processed.

I felt awful, almost as if I’d done something wrong. I almost said I didn’t want the money but remembered that the charity is huge, very rich, and is nothing to do with children or animals 😀

Wasn’t until this morning that the penny dropped about the Justice card appearing for me four hours before the phone call came. Duh, I’m thick sometimes. Just goes to show, you can take the tarot literally and it is possible to predict the future. As long as you are paying attention, of course!


Today, I have selected to play with Shadowscapes Tarot. This is not the sort of deck I would buy for myself, but my DuH (Dear un-Husband) bought it for my birthday. It’s a pretty-pretty deck, populated by sylphs, faeries, dragons and other mythical creatures. It’s beautifully done with gorgeous muted watercolours. Not a deck I would pick for a reading. Nevertheless, I’m going to draw a random card and see if it has something to tell me.

It says: What the hell are you doing talking to a card?

Okay, I’m going to leave that there – my son decided to make a contribution to my post while I was momentarily distracted. He’s sort of right though, why does Tarot involve a two way dialogue? “Tarot: ideas generator tool for writers and creatives” looks at how and why one would want to talk to a card… but, y’know, it’s what we do 🙂

Shuffling, shuffling… Three of Pentacles. A beautiful silver and green card depicting a semi-robed man hoisting up a similarly dressed woman so that she can fix some ephemeral-looking disks up on a wall. A Shadowscapes-Three-of-Pentaclesbright green lizard-type-thing sits on the man’s shoulder, looking a little incongruous, as it defies the law of gravity. Let’s have a look at the Shadowscapes Companion book. I have a minor irritation with the book — the headings for each minor simply say “Two” or “Seven”. They don’t indicate the suit, so you can’t easily flit to a page you want unless you are very familiar with the book’s layout. And I’m not.

“They work together as one, creating a human ladder and climbing upon each other’s shoulders… Into the stone wall she inscribes her pentacles and circles They form a chain of overlapping arcs like her interlinked relationships… It is a mathematical equation of human relationships and interactions.”

Ah, so she’s drawing the disks with her finger, not hanging a Christmas decoration. No mention of the green creature. Perplexing. Google then. Nothing, although I did find an interesting ‘interview’ of the deck here. Perhaps the lizard is standing in for the third person who usually appears in the Three of Pents?

This is an apt card for me right now. Our two children are home-schooled, so the three of us have to work out ways to integrate and cooperate constantly. It’s a learning path for each of us. There are things I want them to do. There are things they want to do. I have tasks to accomplish each day, and so do they. Recently I have felt as though we are out of step; that the children need to engage more in organising themselves. They are often content to leave it up to me and I am becoming somewhat irritated with having to micro-manage stuff for them.

My partner and I spent some time discussing the problem last night, we both agree that I need to step back and allow the children to experience the consequences of not being ready on time or not completing homework for their creative writing course. This morning, they seemed to make an effort to get themselves moving. They both tidied their rooms and helped a bit around the house. In turn I made myself available to help with their studies, so there was definitely a real Three of Pentacles thing going on. I’m going to think about it and see if there are more ways to bring the energy of cooperation into our days.

Buy Shadowscapes in the UK

Two of Disks day ahead

After my day of moaning yesterday, the only way is up, I suppose. I have a busy day ahead, getting puppy Two of Pentaclesready for his class later. He’ll need a walk to tire him a little, a good grooming and a nap. Right after puppy class comes Creative Writing for the kids. I’ve also got a few domestic chores to slot in between, so I shall be looking to accomplish everything I need to with panache and aplomb. All right, I just need to remember where I’m supposed to be, with whom and with what. That will be accomplishment enough.

The Two of Disks helps us to maintain a sense of proportion and balance. As we are often told, the only constant is change. The Two of Disks is not about major change, despite the keyword on the Rohrig card (I dislike keywords on cards very much); it’s about continual adjustment. Minor tweaks to help us deal with daily life and keep our sanity.

The image on the card suggests that the disks are being buffeted by air currents, as though they have no choice, however, we can make decisions all the time. It might be a simple choosing to not allow external pressures to get to us. To decide to jettison a particular task just for today, or merely to focus attention on something pleasing, instead of caving in to anxiety.

Keep your head up, travel through your day with confidence, bend like a reed when you need to, but return to equilibrium whenever you can.

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