Author Archives: Troi

Tarot Combinations that Might Show Deception in Relationships

The one thing which undermines a relationship or friendship more than anything else is a loss of trust. If you have ever caught your partner lying to you, then you know what I’m talking about. And it may not even be anything as serious as infidelity. My first marriage broke up because my ex lied about everything. For no reason. He seemed to think that he had to edit his life, my life, and our life together in order to appear… I don’t know. I never did work it out. Lying came as natural to him as breathing. I didn’t have tarot then, but I do now and the cards never lie.

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Learning Tarot: The Gift of Hindsight

Tarot study

Courtesy of art-of-joan under CC license

One of the most valuable and often overlooked tools when learning to read tarot is the gift of hindsight. I’ve long been a cheerleader for keeping a record of readings. Mine are all written readings these days, so they are recorded in detail, along with photos of the spread. However, when I was learning, I thought I knew better, that I would absorb the meanings and develop my interpretations as I went along. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

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The Not-So-Hidden Secret of the Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross spread is just wonderful. It’s my go-to spread for big, in-depth readings. I love the fact that there are several spreads built into one. That it gives causes and outcomes; advice and warnings. It’s just so damn cool. There’s another thing I like about it too, and it’s something that many readers seem to overlook. It’s something that took me several years to see and understand. And that’s the secret time line. Go on, quickly lay out a Celtic Cross, or do it in your head if you haven’t got a tarot deck nearby. See it? It’s right there in front of you.

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New $10 Readings

Several people have been in touch to ask when, and if, I am going to resume my in-depth readings. Well, due to all the usual work and life busy-ness that we’re all experiencing right now, I’m sorry to say that I won’t be able to do them any more –they used to take me hours!

However, I’ve decided that if people do want more than the fast and free one-carders, I could be pushed to do fast, but not-quite-so-free, three-card readings. And for only ten dollars.

I’ve updated the in-depth reading page to reflect this, so if you have been waiting for me to get back to the tarot reading scene, I’m here.

Guest Post: 10 Tarot Decks You May be Unaware Of

Here is a guest post by lovely Michelle Maxwell of OnlinePsychicChat. She’s agreed to share 10 of her favorite, and least known tarot decks. I’ve added links, where possible, to the original source of the decks. Troi 

10 Tarot Decks You May be Unaware Of

1. Black Power Tarot

This deck came in a dream to King Khan, who teamed up with artist, Michael Eaton, to bring the vision to a deck of tarot cards that could be used by those seeking guidance.

The deck features 16 African American musicians, two magicians, and a comedian. The comedian on the cards was modeled after Richard Pryor, so you may be able to see the resemblance if you use this deck. Note: the titles of the cards are written in French.

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How Positions Affect Meanings in Tarot

I thought I’d try this little exercise to help explain how interpretations of cards change depending on their position in a spread. So, I’m going to draw a random card and then place it in every position in the Celtic Cross. I’ve never tried this before so, hopefully I’ll learn something new about how positions affect meanings in tarot.

Before I grab a deck, let me outline the positions I assign to the Celtic Cross; not everyone uses the same ones. The Celtic Cross is the absolute best spread for flexibility and nuance that I know of. Continue reading

Stashed, Benched and Thrown a Few Breadcrumbs

Dear Ms Tarot Reader, I met this guy a couple months ago and he is really sweet. We get on so well and I’m sure we are an item. One thing puzzles me, though, he never takes me home to meet his mom, and the only time I meet his friends is if we bump into them by chance. What’s going on?

Hi there, Romance-Seeker, I’m sorry to hear you are puzzled by your man’s behavior. Let me draw a card or two to see if the tarot can shed some light.

Ten of Pentacles and Five of Cups stashed Continue reading

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