Archived Readings: 2013-2015

Here are all my previous one-card readings for 2013 – 2015. Please don’t request a reading here. Go to the main Reading page.



173 thoughts on “Archived Readings: 2013-2015

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hello Franco,

      Happy recent birthday!

      I am using the Robin Wood tarot and have drawn the Seven of Swords. This card is often interpreted as theft or betrayal of some kind. For me it means someone taking back something that was previously lost, given away or stolen from them. For example, a woman regaining her confidence after her partner undermined her for years.

      This isn’t a terribly positive card when connected to love. However, it can indicate some areas that you need to be aware of. They can apply to you or to someone you are involved with. Issues of trust; if one of you is unable to communicate truthfully then the relationship will go nowhere. Similarly, hiding your feelings will have the same result. At the same time, leaving yourself open to being taken advantage of will also affect future relationships, so you have to find a balance.

      I think it’s about keeping your sensible head on. Be aware of the possibility that someone might be trying to pull the wool over your eyes but at the same time allow yourself to enjoy a happy and balanced relationship. Basically, it’s a judgement call.

      Good luck!

  1. Jelena

    Hello, I would like to know if there’s something on my love horizon in the next 3 months? I’m single. Thanks

    I was born on the 26th of November. Thank you!

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Jelena,

      Thanks for getting back to me with your birthday. Don’t need the year.

      I’m using the Old English Tarot and have drawn the Nine of Swords. I’m afraid this card is not usually about romance at all. It might be that there is something more pressing that you must deal with. Sometimes old stuff must be cleared away before the new can come. The Nine of Swords suggests there is a problem or a situation that you are finding it almost impossible to think about. The advice from this card is to relax, let it go, get some quality nights’ sleep and then you will find the solution within the problem. If you stare right at it, it won’t materialise but if you approach it from another angle it might come into view. Your best bet is to remove your attention from it completely and like an object in your peripheral vision, the path will become clear.

      Sorry you didn’t get an answer to the question you asked – sometimes the tarot won’t play nice 🙂

      I am sure your love will come as soon as you are ready – in the meantime, enjoy your singledom. You were born in the Week of Independence – your potential partner will have to measure up to some very high standards!

      Good luck.

  2. Tran

    Hello, I need your advice for my job and career. I wanna quit my job in this month. Should I do it ? What will outcome to my career?r
    August 29 1986

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Tran,

      I’ve read for you before, haven’t I? Last time you were freelancing, I think. I’ll turn a card for you in a minute but firstly, I need to tell that I will not tell you whether you should quit your job or not. That is something for you to decide, not some external factor such as tarot cards or me. What I will do is ask the tarot for a general direction that you should consider.

      Your card is the Five of Wands (Five of Batons in the Old English Tarot). It suggests that you are having problems with working with other people and that is why you want to leave. Maybe your boss is getting you down?

      You may not get on with these people but you will find your niche if you look towards similar employment. I have told you in your previous reading that you would be good as part of a team and in any profession that involves looking after people, and that still stands. Your personality type needs the satisfaction that comes from helping others, otherwise you may find yourself pursuing unrewarding jobs. At the same time, you will benefit from time alone to recharge your batteries; this is important in order to avoid stress.

      One other thing is that this card can suggest a lack of structure – you need structure, both in your work and personal life. You thrive on having a clear framework to guide you. Make sure that is part of any job or career that you choose.

      Good luck!

      1. Tran

        Yes, last time I’m Freelancer and now I’m working in company. And I thinks my choice is wrong. But thanks so much for your reading.

        1. theraggededge Post author

          Hi again, Tran. Sorry, I might have misled you, when I said ’employment’, I didn’t necessarily mean working for a company. I meant work in general.

  3. Priscilla

    Hello theraggededge, How are you doing this evening? Can you please tell me about finances or career, which ever one you get a feel for, when it will start coming into my life. Please and thank you!

    Edited: birthday 21st June.

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Priscilla, thanks for letting me know your birthday.

      I’m using the Old English Tarot and the card I have drawn for you is the Knave (Page) of Swords. I like this card, especially the Robin Wood tarot version of it. Swords are connected to thoughts, ideas and communication (headstuff) and Pages represent first steps and explorations.

      To me, this card, together with your birthday (it falls during the Cusp of Magic), strongly suggests that you have a very creative imagination. You are able to generate idea after idea. Where your ‘problem’ lies is that you sometimes have trouble taking an idea and bringing into reality.

      The advice from this card is that you make a list of all your ideas that relate to work and finances – don’t be afraid to be right ‘out there’ – write everything down, even if it takes a week of brainstorming. Leave the list be for a few days and then read over it, allowing your mind to play with all the ideas. Look for connections. Something brilliant may well leap out at you. Formulate a plan and then follow that plan, starting with baby steps.

      You can wait for things to ‘start coming into your life’ but that doesn’t usually produce very much in the way of opportunity. Use the gift of your creativity and take action towards your goals.

      Good luck!

      1. Priscilla

        Thank you so very much, this sound like me written all the way through. I got scared to release any of my work, because some of it got hijacked by the people I sent it to. Than I started Life coaching, card reading, psychic work & spiritual healing and stopped that as well. I got scared of being right, and thought: “what if I get something wrong,” I did all of that for free with writing as a career choice that pays. Now nothing, just collect, research and make private notes. I feel like something must happen first so that I can get that “Go” signal from heaven, because I am more than ready to walk right into my lime light of Peace, Light & Love. Thank you so very much for your time and preparation!

        1. theraggededge Post author

          You are right, Priscilla, something has to happen first – you have to make the first move. All creative work is a risk – I have had many, many articles stolen. You mustn’t let that put you off – just keep creating, whether it be for yourself or for payment. Sooner or later a small bell will ring and you will get your wings 😉 xxx PS I think I wrote that reply to myself – I love how that happens.

  4. Sarah


    I have a family court reading my marital status. avery vague future… will both of us come back together or will be separated?


    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Sarah,

      Thanks for your question. I am wondering if you have had a reading previously, though it could have been a different Sarah?

      I have drawn a card for you from the Robin Wood, and it is the Magician. This card is a very strong card that relates to your abilities in all aspects of your life. It doesn’t say yes or no to your question but it does tell you that whatever outcome *you* want or expect will happen. The Magician indicates that if you truly want something then you have the resources within you to manifest your desire, whether it be emotional or material.

      Your question feels very passive to me – as if you are allowing yourself to be directed by outside forces. Go and find an image of the Robin Wood Magician and look at it carefully. Do you feel the confidence and clarity emanating from the card? You have to know that you have these qualities inside of you.

      Feel your gut feelings – you know whether you want to be in this marriage or not, don’t you? What you have to do is take small steps every day towards your goal. Communication is the key here. What does your husband want? What do you want? If you want different things then you have to find a path that works for both of you.

      I hope you get the future you desire, Sarah. Good luck.

  5. Joanne

    Hello theraggededge,

    Well, sadly I didn’t get the job. I felt it was so right and whilst I did well at the interview, there was someone more suitable than me. I don’t feel great right now, but I thought I’d let you know. Thanks for your words.


    1. theraggededge Post author

      That’s a shame, Joanne, sorry to hear it. There will be something better up ahead, don’t worry.x

  6. Lee

    Hello Troi,

    How are you?

    I re-access your last reading and had this chance to reflect on my previous relationships. Currently, we are still on a dating status with the one that I asked for a reading and we are happy on what is going on between us.

    Now, may I ask if something might surprise me this March on my lovelife? I am feeling that there is coming on my way that might lead to romance. Sorry if I am asking this over and over again. I don’t know. It seems finding “the one” is my main goal. May 07, 1985 is my birthday.

    Lee 😀

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Lee,

      Glad to hear that all is going well with your current relationship.

      By ‘surprise’ do you mean is someone else going to show up? If I told you yes or no, then it won’t be a surprise any longer. Why don’t you just wait and see?


        1. theraggededge Post author

          Lee, of course there is hope. This is the last free reading for at least six months, okay? I have done many, many readings for you across several sites, and it is always the same question. I really think you should simply live your life as happily as you can and let love find you.

          Your card is the Six of Pentacles, which is not generally connected to romance. It is a card of give and take. Either you will be motivated to help someone in a practical way, or you will be receiving such help. Sixes generally mean getting to a better place after a difficult time. The Six of Pentacles is connected to down-to-earth matters, such as job, money, health and home.

          It is possible that in the course of doing something helpful, you may meet someone significant.

          Hope that helps.

  7. Joanne

    Hello theraggededge!
    Well, I went for the interview, and yes, the job does get me fired up, it sounds fantastic. I do live alone and am financially reliant only upon myself. My conundrum now is (if i get it) do I go for a fixed 12 months contract and risk it, or play safe and stick with my current permanent contract? My gut tells me to go for it – my sensible head questions how i’ll pay my rent with no job! Can you guide me? Please?

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Joanne, sounds brilliant!

      I don’t really want to draw a card for you because it is very risky to base such an important decision on the turn of a card. Here’s what I think…

      1. You have a whole year to enjoy this job and to work out your next move at the same time.
      2. Anything could happen – you might be offered an extended contract; another position might become available; your previous company might be happy to have you back.
      3. If you don’t take it, how will you feel? Regret or relief? It will be one or the other, for sure. Practice in your mind.
      4. Will this new job add value to your CV? If yes, then that’s a huge plus point for your next job.
      5. Right now, at this time, what have you got to lose?
      6. Presumably it’s better paid – would you be able to salt away the difference between your current salary and your new one to provide a cushion at the end of the year?
      7. Are you confident in your own ability to find the next job quickly (you would be continuously looking from about 6 months in anyway, wouldn’t you?).
      8. If you knew without a doubt that this is the right decision and that your future is secure, then would you go ahead? Because all you need is conviction and belief.

      Okay, now I’ll draw your card 🙂

      Robin Wood: The Empress. Growth, renewal, abundance. The Empress is like a security blanket. This card tells you that you can take either path and all will be well. You might feel a little regret if you don’t take the new job but you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that you are providing for your future. If you do take the new job then, you have a chance to shine and impress your new employers, and more importantly you have the opportunity to make an even more secure nest in the long term.

      You have to remember that your future security depends on you and no-one else. Your current employer could fold or something. You can never depend on an outside source; it all comes from within.

      Let me know what you decide. Good luck!

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