Category Archives: Tarot card meaning

Look at the Star, look how it shines for you…

Apologies to Coldplay 🙂

The latest article to be relocated here is my homage to the Star. While reading, contemplating and The Starmusing on the Star, I began to understand its true meaning – that we are eternal beings; all connected; all as one. I mention in the piece, the feeling you get when standing alone beneath a vast star-speckled sky. When you realise you can never know (in this body) the vastness of the Universe, but at the same time, you feel infinitely strong and powerful.

The Star’s message is to accept fear as guidance – that you are seeing or thinking about something in the wrong way.  That you must turn in another direction to choose love and appreciation, and be willing to let the fear go. Any negative emotion is based on fear – from deep depression, through anger and up to mere irritation. When you choose hope, appreciation and ultimately happiness, then life becomes a joyous adventure. Of course, no-one can stay in that state continually – problems are bound to occur, and that’s when you think of the Star and choose again.

Read the article here: The Tarot Star

The image is the Inner Child Tarot Star – a beautiful, if huge, deck that utterly lifts your spirits and makes your heart sing.

Watching the fool

It’s always special when The Fool shows up. It’s an amazing card and he is an amazing character/archetype. He represents all the potential of the Universe. He is all-knowing, yet he knows nothing. He is everything, yet he is nothing. He holds infinite possibility and at the same time he is focused right where he is; he notices all that is good, yet sees nothing that could harm him.

The Fool knows that he is part of the cycle of the Universe, yet his only task is to be present in this moment. Armed with this knowledge, he treads lightly on his journey. He is always safe, ready to take a risk because there is nothing to lose.

Get up close and personal with The Fool — he’d love to meet you too.

The Hierophant

A short morning walk with Voyager tarot

Holy moly, all the old decks are making a comeback in my world lately. Today it’s Voyager’s turn to get an airing. It needs to stretch its legs, take a turn round the block and show me what it can do.

I yearned for this deck many years ago, it seemed to have so much going for it. I loved the complexity of the images. I also had the large softback book that accompanies it. The book’s gone now and I only have the smaller one that is included with the deck. As with so many decks, it didn’t click with me and it lives with its unloved friends on the bookshelf. Buut… you never know when an old lover might reignite a spark of passion (good grief, I am writing in romance novel cliche-script this morning!).

Quick interruption, and guess what the postman brought? A cheque for £250 from the National Trust for payment of my stolen article. Yay!

The HierophantBack to Voyager…here’s the Hierophant to guide me through my day. I see Buddahs, a horned moon, an elephant, pillars, a large open poppy, a small child, a heavily embossed golden bowl and lots of stuff I can’t identify.

I used to be wary of the Hierophant — all those overtones of institutionalized religion. Then I met the Songs for the Journey Home version and my view of the card immediately changed.

The Hierophant, or better, Your Eternal Guidance, is one who has tread the path before you. Guidance says, I have been here, stepped on these thorns and dealt with these obstacles. I can help you through, but you are also welcome to work it out for yourself. The easier way is to listen for me as I make myself known in your gut and your emotions. If you are feeling good, then the path is open, if you are feeling less-than -good, then the path will be strewn with brambles and rocks. By all means fight your way through — you’ll feel triumphant at the end for sure. Alternatively, get happy, be relaxed, go with the flow and we can stroll together, observing all the wonderful sights, enjoying our interactions with others, smelling the flowers, drinking from cool, clear streams and reaching our destination eager and ready for the next adventure. This is my take on the Hierophant.

Interestingly, James Wanless, creator of the Voyager tarot also says, “Listen to your inner voice of experience.” Perfect.

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