Guest Post: 10 Tarot Decks You May be Unaware Of

Here is a guest post by lovely Michelle Maxwell of OnlinePsychicChat. She’s agreed to share 10 of her favorite, and least known tarot decks. I’ve added links, where possible, to the original source of the decks. Troi 

10 Tarot Decks You May be Unaware Of

1. Black Power Tarot

This deck came in a dream to King Khan, who teamed up with artist, Michael Eaton, to bring the vision to a deck of tarot cards that could be used by those seeking guidance.

The deck features 16 African American musicians, two magicians, and a comedian. The comedian on the cards was modeled after Richard Pryor, so you may be able to see the resemblance if you use this deck. Note: the titles of the cards are written in French.

2. The Ghetto Tarot

This deck is made up of images from Haiti. It is a photographic reproduction of the classic Rider-Waite Tarot by Belgian photographer, Alice Smeets. The word ghetto means an area of human habitation where there is no financial security. A term used to describe poverty and exclusion. Yet this deck shows us there is beauty behind every unfavorable circumstance. Richness comes from your family and community. Your strength is in your perspective and your ability to see potential in everything.

The deck was previously available as an IndieGoGo project. It was not a charity project, but the artists in the card images were paid for their contribution.

3. Lisa Frank Tarot

As a child, I loved Lisa Frank and getting new Lisa Frank things in fact, I was often jealous of my friends when they got the newest notebook before my parents bought it for me.

The cards are all designed with brightly colored images that are designed to bring you some joy. There are a lot of rainbows, hearts, stars, flowers, and, of course, puppies. If you are looking for uplifting tarot cards that make you smile, these may be perfect. Be aware that this is a Majors only deck.

There’s no easy way to get your hands on the Lisa Frank Tarot. You have to order it as a Print-on-Demand deck. It’s pretty easy–hop over here for instructions.

4. Zelda Tarot

There are a lot of things that I enjoy in life, and video games happen to be one of them. If you like to explore Hyrule with Link from time to time, then these Zelda cards may be just the thing for you. These cards were hand drawn and colored with watercolors, so there is a lot of detail on each. This deck may be ideal for helping you to recall some of the innocence that you experienced as a child.

The deck is made to order from Pixel Perks on Etsy.

5. Strange Wonders Tarot

This deck is darker than the other ones on this list, but if you enjoy slightly off-kilter and quirky art, then this red and black deck, featuring creepy doll parts might be one you’d enjoy. This morbid style is not really to my taste, but I can appreciate the art and horror theme that attracts some to this deck. The deck is available at The Game Crafter.

6. Shadowscapes Tarot

Fantasy is becoming more and more popular today, especially in the world of tarot card readings. One of my favorite decks is the Shadowscapes Tarot, which takes you into the world of the fairies and lets you in on their secrets. The artwork of the cards is soft and beautiful; in fact, some of the cards are so detailed it’s difficult to see the intricate images from a distance. Shadowscapes has been around a number of years now, but if you haven’t seen it yet perhaps you should take a peek. Links to Amazon.

7. Cosmic Tarot Deck

This deck is one that makes you feel more connected to the universe. It has soft artwork, designed to incorporate planetary images, and I feel that this deck makes it easier for me to connect with the universe when I am giving a reading. This deck was created in the 80s, so it has been a go-to that I have become comfortable using over the years. Links to Amazon.

8. The Wild Unknown Tarot

This is a darker deck of tarot cards. Not one that features darker images, but one that displays shadowed artwork that occasionally has a burst of color that draws your eye. It helps remind me that even though things may seem dim right now, there is a brightness that can be seen in every situation. Links to Amazon.

9. Starchild Tarot

If you feel more connected with the world around you when you look into the universe, then the spiritual closeness that you feel from a cosmic presence could become even more empowered with the Starchild Tarot. The various themes represented in this deck are windows into the path in nature that your spirit guide is leading you toward. The deck is luminous and other-wordly. It has an extra card, ‘The Akashic Records’. The Starchild Tarot deck can be ordered direct from its creator, Danielle Noelle.

10. The Steampunk Tarot

I have always been drawn to steampunk. The ocular machinery, the cogs, and the wheels that make up the genre are a great help when you want to see the future by looking into the past. Machines, science, and technology can be truly revealing when it comes to your future. Links to Amazon.

Michelle Maxwell, of OnlinePsychicChat,is a freelance writer who recently left her corporate job to pursue her passion in writing. Michelle loves to explore and write about topics relating to spirituality, tarot, psychic topics, and astrology. In her free time, she can be found on a tennis court, obsessively organizing anything and everything in her home, or journeying into new areas with her husband.  

One thought on “Guest Post: 10 Tarot Decks You May be Unaware Of

  1. Dio Marsaille

    I appreciated the wild unknown tarot because of the way you explained it. You said they are images with shadows and sometimes have a burst of color that attracts the eyes and that it is proof that even in dark times, there is still a brightness. It would really be nice if the tarot reader that I will visit uses this card for me. I am currently a bit troubled now, and I want a proof that my situation can still improve.


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