Archived Free Readings 2015 – 2017

Here are all my previous one-card readings for 2015 – 2017. Please don’t request a reading here. Go to the main Reading page.


237 thoughts on “Archived Free Readings 2015 – 2017

  1. Apple Dominguez

    Hi Troi,

    I would like to ask if my husband and I could have a child of our own in the future. Thank you!

    December 9th.

    1. Troi Post author

      Hello Apple,

      If you have read through other readings here, you’ll know I will never attempt to answer a question like yours directly. And, if you think about it, if you are suitable as parents, there is always the possibility that you will have a child one way or another. It’s your choice.

      So what I will do is draw a card to see what general energy is around you at the moment. I’m using the Universal Waite and have drawn the Four of Cups. The card depicts a young man sitting at the base of a tree. His arms are folded and he is looking down a little disconsolately. There are three gold chalices in front of him. To his right hand side another chalice is being offered to him by a disembodied hand, but he doesn’t appear to notice.

      The Four of Cups represents emotional security. However, it can also mean a sort of low-level dissatisfaction with life. This may or may not be connected to your longing for a child. I get the feeling that you see a baby as the missing piece in your life together as a couple. That you need to feel complete. As I said, I can’t tell you whether you will have a child or not, however, you must be careful not to shut out other opportunities or pathways which may be available to you. Don’t allow your focus to be concentrated on this one issue.

      The card at the base of the deck is the Two of Cups, which shows that the bond you have with your husband is very strong. It tells you to pay attention to each other and make your marriage be the most important thing to concentrate on right now. Twos can also point to a time of waiting, so just be relaxed about all this. A child will arrive when the time is right, in whatever manner the Universe deems perfect for you.

      Good luck, Apple.

      1. Apple Dominguez

        Thank you so much troi. This helps a lot. It’s good to know that you could see our marriage is pretty strong. Having the best husband is awesome. Though we want to have a child all we need to do is wait for the right time. Thank you and God Bless!

  2. Ella

    What future relationships(friendships & working) do you see for me in the next year/years?
    DOB 10th July

    Thankyou for offering free one card readings! Your interpretations of the Gild Tarot have especially helped me as I have recently purchased and begun studying that particular Tarot deck. For my reading, could you perhaps use the Gilded? Just so I can understand it better? If not, that’s perfectly fine! Thankyou again!

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Ella, thank you for your request. Yes, I’d love to used the Gilded Tarot for you.

      That’s a big question, in terms of time, for one little card, but I’ll do my best. It helps if you understand that any reading is a snapshot of energy in the present moment, so a reading about the future really needs to be longer so that the present can be shown as leading into the future. Sort of “if this is what you are doing now, it is likely to lead to….”. Hence it’s a bit restricted with one or two cards. We’ll see what shows up.

      Your card is Justice, a beautiful image of a blind-folded woman in a shimmering satin dress, holding a glowing sun in her right hand and a silvery moon in her left. There are beams of light between them and another sun effigy in the foreground of the card. In front of the woman stand the scales of Justice and behind her we can see a golden arch and a rising sun.

      This card tells you that, in friendships and relationships, you must seek a balanced perspective. You may be drawn towards unusual people, and that’s fine, but don’t let one particular relationship color the others. In other words, don’t get unbalanced by allowing it to take over your life. Always take a step back and let the sun illuminate the truth. I knew a girl, who fell in love with a boy at the age of 16. The relationship, if you could call it that, only lasted a couple of weeks. However, for years and years, that relationship was her touchstone. Every other person was compared to him. It completely skewed her vision.

      As far as friendships go, I bet you are attracted to bohemian types. People who aren’t afraid to be different. Follow their lead, but you must tread your own path and express yourself in whatever way you feel suits you best. It really is important that you do express your personality outward and not become introverted in an unhealthy way – there’s nothing wrong with introversion either, but if it holds you back, then it becomes a problem.

      Enjoy your tarot journey, Ella, and I hope you find the most wonderful friendships along the way.

  3. George H. Silva

    Hi, Troi, First of all love your site and your postings. I’m relatively new to the world of Tarot. I just completed a course yesterday and received my diploma as an “official” Tarot Reader. The problem I’m having is that I’m still doubtful this is the right path for me. I find that sedentary work can be rather dull as I was used to have a very fulfilling career as a Trainer and Executive of HR. Unfortunately, my health prevents from doing any physical or demanding work, thus I must find solace in a more sedentary type of profession. As I always found Tarot reading fascinating and “scary” at the same time, and I was always curious about it, I decided to follow this path and discovered I can be very good at it. However, I find myself not wanting to expose myself and I’d rather not do readings (perhaps my fear of failure). Having said all that, I guess my main question is, “Am in the right path? (Is Tarot reading going to fulfill my needs and become my main profession?). My date of birth is December 8, (edited by troi). I was born at 10:30 a.m. in Brazil. PS: I have a request, could you do the one-card reading using Ciro’s Gilded Tarot (this is the deck I use!). Thanks in advance!

    1. theraggededge Post author

      How lovely to be asked to use a specific deck. I’m very happy to do so. Putting yourself out there is quite intimidating at first, but I assure you that once you have a few readings under your belt, you’ll gain more confidence in your abilities. After all, I expect you felt the same way at the start of your previous career? It helps if you treat tarot reading as a service to your clients, rather than as a mystical, magical thing for which you need supernatural powers 😀

      So, using the marvellous Gilded Tarot, I have drawn the Four of Wands. Go dig it out now. The card is illustrated by a family: father, mother and child. They stand beneath a canopy of flower garlands hung from four upright staves. It’s a comfortable scene.

      The Four of Wands indicates that at this moment in time, it may be better for you to relax and think about your career achievements so far. Assess all those people skills you acquired and work out how you can transfer them to tarot. Fours represent stability and lack of movement, so you are not quite ready to push on through. Spend some time just getting comfortable with the idea of pursuing a career in tarot. Play with it. Have fun and don’t treat it too seriously.

      The card at the base of the deck is the Seven of Swords, which indicates you may be thinking you need to grab on to this for dear life. I get the feeling that it’s all connected with your sense of self-worth. The card, itself, shows someone who is unwilling to let themselves be seen. Time will pass and you will know when you are ready to get out there. Not just yet, but soon.

      I can’t tell you from these two cards if this is the right path, George. You know though, don’t you? You can feel it. In any case, there’s nothing to lose by giving it a try when you feel more confident. It doesn’t mean you have to make this great big commitment.

      Good luck and I hope you are a raging success!

      1. George H. Silva

        Oh my Troi, this was so right on I’m speechless. It’s funny because I love the 4 of Wands but absolutely hate the 7 of Swords. I can’t thank you enough for your free reading. Please keep up the great work and may you always have a bright light surrounding you filling you with happiness and good health. Take care and thanks again!

        1. theraggededge Post author

          You are very welcome, George. Come back and have another one in a couple of months.

          Edit: I forgot to ask – what was the course/certification you completed?

  4. Alexis

    Hi Troi,

    Thank you so much for doing these free readings. Not only are you offering a great service, but as a new Tarot enthusiast, I really enjoy seeing how you interpret the cards.

    My DOB is Dec 10 and his is June 23.

    There is a guy I really like and I would like to ask: what do I need to know about my relationship with this him? Does he feel the same way? Thank you!

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Alexis, happy to meet a new tarot addict 😀

      One of the things you’ll learn as you read for more people is that it is not a good idea to try to read the thoughts of a potential partner. This is known as a third party reading and is considered to be a little unethical. Imagine if some unknown tarot reader was divining your thoughts and feelings without your knowledge.

      I can draw a card to see what the energies/influences are around your attraction, but I’m not going to attempt to read how he feels about you. That is something you will have to discover by yourself.

      I’m using the Fountain Tarot, a gorgeous deck, and your card is the Fountain card. That’s interesting – the last time I used this deck, I think this card came up. The Fountain is an extra card specific to this deck. It offers the message that everything is interconnected and that when it appears, anything is possible. It is clarity, vision and potential. And, while it is a lovely card, it doesn’t really offer you anything concrete, so I will draw another.

      Judgment. This is the 20th card of the Major Arcana and represents a calling, a certain knowledge. Therefore if you examine your attraction and your connection to your man, all you have to do is tune into your own inner guidance to find out all you want to know. You may need to let go of perceptions that are based in your past. You can’t judge this current relationship by viewing it through the veil of previous experiences; you have to see it as a completely new and unique adventure.

      Going by your birthdays, you will both find this a bit of a challenge. You may well feel as though you are restricted or restrained. As though you can’t quite be your real selves. This might mean you take a conventional pathway rather than the more expressive and eccentric route you would rather follow. In consequence, the relationship may not be able to establish the necessary strong foundations needed for a long-term commitment. The only way to overcome this is to be completely and openly honest with each other.

      Good luck!

      1. Alexis

        Thank you Troi!

        Yes, I wouldn’t like anyone divining my thoughts and feelings without my permission. Good point!

        Aaah, the Judgment card. I sometimes see this card in my amateur attempts at doing readings for my friends and when this card shows up in a love context, I’ve always had a difficult time interpreting it so this is very helpful for my learning as well.

        I do sometimes judge new relationships through the lens of past relationships so this is great advice. In terms of our birthdays, I do agree. We find it somewhat difficult to understand each other. While we really like each other, certain situations are difficult t deal with because we inherently think and feel so differently. I will just enjoy the relationship for what it is and whatever happens will happen. 😀

        Thank you!!

        1. theraggededge Post author

          Excellent conclusion, and by taking that view, you are giving the relationship room to grow. Have fun!

  5. Mystic Star

    Dear Troi,

    I was searching for info on starting a tarot journal and came upon your site, and so glad I did. Not just for the free readings alone which you are so generously offering, but for all the information you have here. As a budding tarot card reader (I am working with the Druidcraft and Universal Rider Waite) this is a treasure trove!

    I would be grateful to have a reading for you to throw light on something in my life. I have been separated from my husband for 2+ years, we have a 7 year old son. We have decided to go for a mutual consent divorce this year, but I am so conflicted because I want to do the right thing (which would be a reconciliation for the sake of my son and also because I am so insecure about my future financially) but at the same time my heart doesn’t want to do it. I would really appreciate a reading from you on this.

    My DOB is April 28 and his DOB is March 8 (edited by Troi)

    Thank you so very much!

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hello Ms Star 🙂

      This birth date combination works best within a social structure – surrounded by friends, participating in groups, etcetera. You probably liked the feeling of working in a team with your husband. Marriage can succeed, but both partners need that interaction outside of the marriage in order to be happy.

      I’m using the Robin Wood, a Rider-Waite clone and have drawn the Page of Swords. Lovely card. The Page of Swords tells you that you will soon be able to cut through your own confusion and find out what you really want. This card encourages you to explore all the options, including the possibility of a ‘half-way’ solution that might suit you both. You could maintain the partnership but live in separate locations. Instead of taking your sword and severing your connection, you might think about stretching it out temporarily. Give yourselves some space. Have a look at the card on the web. I see the Page as bringing ideas from the ether down to reality. She is the carrier, or the messenger, of inspiration.

      The base card is the Nine of Wands, which indicates you are feeling worn down by circumstances, but know you have the strength to carry on. All problems are temporary. The right solution will make itself known. If you can’t decide, then take no action for now.

      Hope it works out for you, Mystic Star.

  6. Dorothy

    My date of birth is 12th August and my husband date of birth is 10th February.

    How is our love/marriage relationship? Does he love me?

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Dorothy,

      Have removed your full as it’s not a good idea to broadcast identifying details 🙂 I don’t need them anyway, just day and month.

      This is curious combination as you are both very different in attitudes and outlook. It can work with a lot of effort by both parties but can often end up as a platonic relationship, rather than a passionate one. Leo must hold back from attempting to manipulate Aquarius by sheer force of their personality.

      I’m using the Universal Waite and your card is Strength. This is the 8th Major Arcana and it’s message for you is that if you are experiencing difficulties in your marriage, you must understand that you can solve your problems by gentleness, rather than insistence. Giving rather than expecting.

      The thing is, only you know how it is in your marriage. Do you feel loved by your husband? Have you asked him if he loves you? This card doesn’t confirm or deny so I can’t tell you. Do you feel that you have to tame him somehow? Do you hold him to impossibly high standards? – The base card is the Queen of Swords. Or is it the other way round and you feel trapped? The next card is the Eight of Swords.

      What do you really want from this relationship?

  7. Larquite Bolton

    I’m a new wife February 19,1984 and my husband July 6,1983 I really love my husband but I now have feelings of confusion on if I married the right person or if we should part ways.

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Larquite,

      Before I draw your card, I am checking your compatibility as a couple. It’s a very general analysis based on your day and month of birth. This is a promising combination that suggests that both felt a sense of relief when you found each other. The relationship is like a safe harbor. This relationship will usually grow stronger and deeper the longer you remain together. It matures and develops into something special. Do you still need a reading?

      I’m using the Fountain Tarot and your card is… The Fountain. This is an extra card unique to this deck. So unique that I have to look up its meaning. According to the deck creators it means connectedness and awareness. The ability to see yourself as part of a whole and also as an individual, happy in solitude. I would say the appearance of this card is similar to the World card. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Of course things may change, but if, as you say, you love your husband, then there’s no reason to worry about an alternate path at the present time.

      Good luck.

  8. Lee

    Hello Troi,

    It’s been a while. How are you,

    I would like to ask again for a reading for me (May 07, 1985) and my buddy (May 13, 1985) whom I am seeing for 3 months now. The same guy from my last request. Just wanted to look into our 2017.


  9. Karen

    Dear Troi,
    I am ready for your free reading and I was born on March 25, 1975.
    In the meantime, I am curious to find out whether there will be any new opportunity for love and prosperity development and hopefully they will both arrive at the same time!
    Thank you.

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi there Karen,

      I’m using the Gilded Tarot and have drawn the Ace of Cups. This lovely card shows a golden filigree chalice floating on a calm ocean. Above it is the image of an eye gazing down, with rays of light emanating from it. Above the eye, are six phases of the moon arranged in a semi-circle.

      The Ace of Cups is a powerful card indicating that there are opportunities in the very near future for you to make connections, both romantic and platonic. Aces represent the pure energy of their suit, in this case cups, which are concerned with emotion and relationships. As it is an Ace, it doesn’t specify details about these opportunities – you have to bring yourself into alignment with the energy of what you want in order for them to appear for you. So, to attract a romance, you need to get yourself into a romantic frame of mind. Feel it before it happens. Romance yourself first. Fall in love with you, and then everyone will want to love you.

      The card at the base of the deck is the King of Pentacles, Mr Prosperity himself. He could represent a real person or he might be here to remind you that he created his wealth by his own efforts and abilities. You can do the same. It’s also possible that there is someone you already know (or soon will) who can act as a role model, guide and mentor. Probably male and probably mature. Maybe he will be the romantic opportunity. Who knows? Lots of ‘possibles’ and ‘probables’ in there, but just be open to anything that the universe brings. Also feel free to ignore any thing or person who doesn’t feel right to you.

      Good luck!

  10. Mag

    Hello Troi,

    My birthday falls on 11 April and I was wondering if anything is going to happen in my love life in the near future. Thanks in advance!


    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Mag,

      I’m using the Robin Wood Tarot and have drawn the Seven of Pentacles. A young man stares off into the distance. He’s surrounded by a good harvest but his heart’s not in his work. This card is not usually associated with predicting new relationships although it can be linked to existing ones. I would think that the card has appeared for you in a more general sense. It indicates a mild dissatisfaction with the way things are at the moment. Everything is fine, all going well, but there’s something missing. I guess it’s the relationship, yes?

      Checking the card at the base of the deck – the Hermit. Again, this one does not suggest a new relationship is around the corner but that you should use this time alone to delve deep into your spiritual side. By getting to know yourself better and accepting that everything is as it should be, you’ll pave the way for an improved future.

      Sorry the tarot has not much to tell you right now.

      Good luck.

  11. Sharon

    Wow…im sort of not surprised the Fool showed up ….i have been teaching my self tarot since April last year and the Fool is a re-occurring theme along with the World card in my personal readings .
    Thanks again for the reading your detail is appreciated. Best Regards Sharon 💕

  12. Sharon

    Hi There Troi,
    Thank you for the oppurtunity of a free reading its very generous of you !
    My Dob is 30/6/66 …. Im in Australia and my question is about my job ? There has been some uncertainty around it over the past 2 years …. I would like to know if it is secure ? With thanks Sharon 💕

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Sharon,

      No problem, I enjoy doing these mini readings.

      I’m using a deck called Tarot of the New Vision and your card is the Fool.

      I love that this card showed up for you. Here’s the familiar Fool from a different angle. he’s not stepping over the cliff he is standing in awe at the spectacle of a live volcano in the distance. The Fool is a child of the universe. He is not concerned one jot about security or routine or having a safety net. He tells you that instead of seeing an uncertain future, you should view any change as an opportunity. Anxiety or speculation isn’t even part of his vocabulary. He lives each day as if it were his first – or last. Living in the moment, in awe, being open to gifts from the universe. Feeling positive, free and happy.

      Checking the card at the base of the deck – Temperance. Alchemy. Moderation. Balance in all things, mixing it up, bringing people together, making connections with others.

      I think you don’t have to worry at all, Sharon. Everything will work out fine and better than you expect.

      Good luck!

  13. Ronnie Slade

    Hello and a Happy New Year to you! My name’s Ronnie, 12th November

    I had a near death experience (NDE) between the 11th and 16th January 2016. I can’t be precise about the date but a vision appears in front of my eyes…all in black and white and rather grainy. I was definitely elsewhere! I was in a coMagistrates and unconscious for two weeks. I’ve worked in Sales and marketing for 33 years. Further to my NDE I believe I’ve had a spiritual awakening and am being drawn to create a motivational speaking business. My arrival at the hospital in January was broadcast on that countries National Television Network as was my return to thank them for saving my life. That’s credibility/ social proof I think! My question to you is should I take this route and will it be successful?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Ronnie, fascinating stuff! I’m very interested in NDEs as I write a lot about them on Psychic Elements. I’ll draw a card for you but I think you already know the answer, don’t you? You have to follow your intuition on this one.

      I’m using the Universal Waite deck, recoloured by Mary Hanson-Roberts. Your card is the Hierophant. The Hierophant is shown as a religious figure sitting before two acolytes. I prefer to see him as a guide. Someone who has had real life and spiritual experience and who is able to guide people along their path. Now you could take this in two ways. Either you need a mentor to give you a helping hand, or *you* will be the guide. It is also possible that you will set out with a particular goal in mind, but your business will develop in a slightly different direction. You have to be prepared to allow that to happen – go with the flow, kind of thing. Success cannot be measured in financial reward but in how fulfilled you feel doing it. If you are glad and happy to go to work, then you are following your bliss and financial reward will naturally attach itself to you.

      Good luck!

      1. Ronnie Slade

        Thank you for your rapid response! I forgot to mention that I am no longer fulfilled in my “day” job. So thank you for reminding of another reason for wanting to change. I feel there will be a transition into opening a spiritual centre.

        Your comment regarding a mentor intrigued me as well…I have also considered this as a way forward as well. I have a flexible approach to business and a yearning after my experience to remind people how fragile life can be.

        The completion of this project/calling would mean such a lot to me as someone who gets a buzz from helping others succeed.

        Thanks again.

        P.S. I’m going to order an in-depth reading now!

  14. Marina

    Hello! So, I am currently studying abroad and my girlfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship for a few months now (‘we’ve been together for a few years now). I’d like to know what I can expect for this new year regarding our relationship, a tip on what I can do to keep it solid 🙂

    Oh, my birthday is February 23th (1993).

    1. theraggededge Post author

      Hi Marina,

      I’m using the World Spirit Tarot by Lauren O’Leary. Your card is the Two of Wands. Wish I could include card images in these readings. It shows a young person, standing on a beach. He holds two glowing wands as he gazes up at a shooting star. The star seems to be headed for some distant land. It seems perfect for your situation.

      It seems that you have got everything in place right now. The situation is what it is. The Two of Wands usually indicates plans made but currently delayed, so I guess that you have already made plans for when you have finished your studying. It’s a question of waiting it out.

      The card at the base of the deck is the Seeker (Knight) of Swords. He is impatient and determined to reach his goals. However difficult the way ahead, he will find a way by using his considerable intellect. Even though you have accepted the situation, there may well be a way for you to spend more time together. Don’t worry at the problem like the Knight of Swords; instead relax and allow the universe to deliver a solution to you. Say, “Show me, Universe…” and see what transpires.

      As for a tip on how to keep it solid, well, that is down to the strength of your feelings for each other. If I were in your situation, and I have been in the past, I would do some private ‘scripting’. Writing out how strong and stable the relationship is; how you know you will be together in due course, how everything always works out for you, etcetera. I’d keep that little monologue going for the whole time you are apart. Read this great blog post by Lana Shlafer for how to do it.

      It will all work out in the end.

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