Reading Tarot – when your mind goes blank

New Vision tarot

Ever had that experience when you turn your cards over and your well of knowledge and intuition that you have come to rely on is empty? Hitting a metaphoric wall can happen to anyone at any time when reading tarot for a client. What you need is a toolbox of techniques that can kick-start your tarot-brain. It goes without saying that you can use these techniques for any reading.

Five tips to get your tarot engine started:

1. Gain a little extra time by touching the cards one-by one and saying its name. Your client will think that it is part of your reading ritual. As you do this, your brain/intuition will kick in and you will start reading the cards as usual.

2. Point to a Court Card and say, “I’d like to talk about this card..” Then go on to describe its personality in detail. Finish by asking your client if she knows of anyone who could fit that description.

3. Say, “I’d like to talk about the numbers on the cards.” As you have learned basic numerology as it applies to tarot, that immediately gives you a jumping off point for each card.

4. Start by talking about the spread positions, “The card in this position refers to something that has moved into the past.” You can go through all the positions in this way without trying to interpret the cards. By the time you have finished, the interpretations will be ready to flow forth.

5. Ask your client to point to any card or any part of an image that means something to her and why. You say, “It’s interesting that you picked that up because…” and go on to explain the divinatory meaning & position of the card.

Tarot of the New Vision CC

You might have no problem at all in interpreting each card but your mind goes on vacation as soon as you try to weave a meaningful story from them. You need some ideas to get it going.

Five tips to wring the story from the cards:

1. Think of the question being asked. Are the cards mostly positive or negative in the context of the question? Don’t start by analyzing each card – just absorb the overall feeling.

2. Look at the time-line. In a Celtic Cross there is a time-line. running from card four (on the far left, through one & two, six & eight on the far right). Can you pick up a thread of unfolding events? If you can, and it’s accurate then use the rest of the cards to support, explain and advise on the story.

3. Look for significant pairs:

  • Pairs of the same number can show where the seeker is in relation to the situation: Aces = at the beginning; Fives = right in the middle of the challenge; Nines and Tens = its coming to a close.
  • Positional pairs: think one & two – current issue, and five & ten – possible outcome in the Celtic Cross.
  • Court card pairs: King & Queen? Two Queens? Two Pages? Can you see conflict or agreement? Don’t be worried about asking the client, who she thinks they could represent.
  • Major Arcana pairs can point to influences and energies that the seeker must deal with. How do they work together? Support, conflict, advise?

4. Elemental Dignities. Too long to explain here but read Mary K Greer’s overview and, if it resonates with you, head over to Paul Barlow’s Super Tarot for a deeper understanding. Elemental dignities are really useful in two and three card readings as they can show the underlying energies of the situation.

5. Read the patterns. This one’s a bit woolly but look for repeating symbols, combinations, numbers, suits, reversals and anything that forms a pattern. Are people in the cards looking at each other or do they have their backs turned? Point these things out to your client; you may get her input which will turn a light on and illuminate the story for you.

Of course, none of these are substitutes for your awesome intuition but when you’re stuck, reach into your Fool’s satchel and pull out one that gives you the nudge you need to leap into the reading.

Cards used in photos: Tarot of the New Vision by Lo Scarabeo.


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